Cultivate Authentic Self Worth in my NEW
sacred boundary program: Establishing your energetic field
This is my newest program that is tailored for the empath in the post 2020 world of today. 2020 in all its destruction initiated the birth of a new era. The era of the empath has begun, and it is up to all of us with the sacred sight and profound sensitivity to lead the energy of this new world. This requires us to cultivate a true boundary of self-worth where we learn how to take up authentic space in this world and gracefully learn how to keep out the energies that no longer serve us. In this course you will develop a MORE ESTABLISHED ENERGETIC FIELD so that you can become the change you wish to see in the world instead of being bulldozed and taken over by the energies that surround you.
week 1:
The Plight of the Empath: Where is my energy?
In this first week we will get very clear on where exactly our energy has been and begin working with the unconscious loops we have been operating from most of our lives. We will bring these to light while simultaneously beginning to look at the TRUTH about ENERGY and the energy we have been processing and carrying for everyone around us all of the time. Bringing the light of conscious awareness to this patterning is the first step in our journey toward authentic self worth.
Week 2:
Establishing Your Energy Field: Cultivating your Sphere of Worth
In this week we will begin to strenghthen our energy field. With the Boundary Initiation I have provided that was given to me by a higher collective guidance alongside meditations and various exercises, our sphere of energy, worth, and power begins to establish itself and stretch its power and energy.
week 3 + 4:
Practicing the Art of Detachment: Facing the Void Within
In this week we face the truth of what begins to happen when we strengthen our energetic field; detachment from the things that we have been giving all our energy too begins to reveal itself. We learn exact techniques for how to detach from the pain/energy of those that we have been serving for most of our life and simultaneously begin to face our own void + latent potentiality. This is the shadow work portion of the course.
Inner Faith: Filling Ourselves Up with Ourselves
It is here in this week that we begin to fill the void with the light of our own power and souls. This is when we begin to feel the power and strength of our energetic field and find the deep inner faith and security that comes with it. This is deeply pleasurable and fun, and where the true power becomes revealed to the self.
week 5:
week 6:
week 7:
week 5:
Inspired Focus: Learning How to Command Our Energetic Field
As our energy field becomes more established and we are not as easily affected by the energy of others, we must then learn where and how we wish to direct our energy. It is the power of focus when cultivated and harnessed that will begin to shift the entire trajectory of our lives. This is the path to true empowerment. We work on that in this week.
week 6:
Unified Flow: Conducting the Current of your Life
In this final week we firmly establish ourselves in the divine flow, the current of universal energy that shapes everything. We review various techniques I have established that ground us in this flow so that we can begin to live our lives in alignment with it. When we are in alignment with it, our ultimate potentiality is accessed and we flower!
Check out my Keystone
In this 7-Week Transformative Program we tap you into your authentic feminine power. You will establish a real spiritual connection to the Universe and begin to cultivate and harness your intuition in a new and profound way. You will travel through your shadow and access the blocks that have been dimming your light, we travel through these blocks and out the other side. On the other side we discover a wild authenticity and a kind of receptivity that nourishes our sense of self worth never fully accessed before. This is a wonderful program for anyone that wants to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection to themselves and begin to harness and cultivate their gifts of 'sight'.
week 1:
Establishing the Connection:
Feeling Blessed, Protected, and Guided
In this first week of the program we work on cultivating a true living, breathing relationship with the Divine. We review what an altar is, and the power it has to literally create spiritual space in our lives. Our altar becomes our 'spiritual seat' and serves as a foundation for the rest of our work to flow. I introduce the power of connecting with heartfelt sincerity to Spirit and how we can use this to open to the highest good coming to and through us. I will introduce the concept of ritual and how we can use this as a healing practice on our spiritual journey.
week 3:
Accessing and Opening to your Divine Intuitive Power
In this week, we begin to open to our own deep, intuitive power. This is a power that is based in the feeling realm, not in any kind of rational realm. I teach you what your intuition is and how integrating trust of this power is a true spiritual practice. I introduce my deepest core belief that we are guided by a high benevolent energy that when we begin to surrender and open to it, can change our entire lives. Intuition when accessed and honored for the power it holds, is the truest healing power of any woman. Its the sacred core of true Witch Power.
week 3+4:
Deep Diving: Shedding light on our Darkness
In this week, we open to the energy of our own shadow. What this means, is to begin to "dismantle the propensity of othering" as author Toko-pa Turner calls it. I discuss how accessing and opening to our own shadow is where the greatest well of condensed power lives inside of us. I believe the shadow holds a key to our own enlightenment. I review the concepts of accessing our humility and how integrating shadow work makes us more transparent as a spiritual being. I discuss how within our deepest pain resides our most profound evolution. I will share with you my story and encourage you to bravely walk yours.
Week 5:
The Truth Really Does Set Your Free: Wild Authenticity as a Way of Life
In this week, we will explore the idea of beginning to embody a more authenitic life and think about what it means to live a life in which we 'walk our talk'. We will explore the ideas of rebellion and rewilding, both concepts to enliven and empower the soul. We explore the virtue of integrity and what it looks like to live a life in our integrity.
week 6:
Opening to the Goddess: Divine Receptivity and Self-Worth
In this week, we will begin to explore the energy of receptivity, and how we can truly begin to invite it in through pleasure. Pleasure is something that comes in may forms, and the more we can begin to focus and open to it in all areas of our life, the more we open to the true concept of prosperity and abundance. Opening to the power and wisdom of sensuousness. Anxiety and Depression are ways of keeping pleasure out. In this week we reframe the power in receptivity and learn how to invite in the good so that we may begin to live a more joyful, fulfilling life.
Week 7:
Shedding Our Skin: Embodied Transformation for a New Era
In this week we will integrate all of the teachings we have learned in The Witchy Bitch Program. We will unite all of the lessons and look at where in our lives we can begin to embody the change we so wish to see in the world. Integrating the virtues of prayer, trust, humility, integrity, joy, and pleasure we will unite all of these aspects and hopefully leave the program with a deep and renewed trust in the world guided by a deeper sense of ourselves and thus our true purpose.
Find your soul purpose and path in my
soul purpose astrology program
In this program we take a deep dive into your personal birth chart to access the potency and power of all aspects, placements, and signs. We dive into the most powerful aspects in your chart that reveal the most profound dynamics of your destiny and karmic patterning so that you may become more aware, empowered, and awakened to what it is in this lifetime you need to focus on and face in order to evolve into your highest potential. We go through every sign, its ruling planet, and correlating house to discover the patterning and power to decode your destiny and take you to the next level of evolution.
week 6:
Aries/Mars/1st House:
In this week we attune ourselves to the cardinal fire energy of Aries, the warrior. We see where in our own charts we can harness and cultivate this energy to move us out of any stagnation. We examine the archetype of Mars, its placement in our own charts and how we may begin to harness its power and might. Simultaneously we examine the shadow side of aries and Mars both, impatient and arrogant and open to where our own pride and impatience may be holding us back from accessing our true power.
Taurus/Venus/2nd house:
In this week/month we open ourselves to the power and fixed groundedness of the Earth sign Taurus. Taurus rules abundance, worth, and pleasure in all its forms. She is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. We tune into this graceful feminine energy and see where in ourselves we may or may not be owning our full Taurean power. Taurus rules self-worth, and it is in this week/month that we begin to become deeply truthful about where and what we feel worthy of in our own lives.
Gemini/Mercury/3rd house:
In this week/month we attune our energy to the mutable and expansive air energy of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, knowledge, and curiosity. In this week/month we begin to examine where in our lives we feel naturally curious, and if our consciousness has allowed us to follow that curiosity and expression, which is the Divine merely working itself through us.
Cancer/Moon/4th house:
In this week/month we will access the power of the Cardinal water sign of Cancer. Cancer rules the archetype of the mother and is ruled by the moon. In this week/month we will be open to access the deep hidden empathy and psychic roots that Cancer rules. We will connect it to our upbringing, and ‘roots’ and begin to examine how that has shaped our current reality. We will examine the shadow side of Cancer, where our deepest wounding resides, so that we can emerge fully into the light.
Leo/Sun/5th House
In this week/month we will dive into the power of Leo, the Lion. We will penetrate the energies of this fixed fire sign and its indomitable will, courage, and creativity. Leo is ruled by the Sun, it rules how much we allow ourselves to be seen in this life. We will dive into these Leo energies, and her shadow and begin to ask ourselves, where am I holding myself back from being seen fully? Where in my life do I yearn to express myself more?
Virgo/Mercury/6th House
In this week/month we will hone the energy of Virgo, the ‘virgin’ of the zodiac. Virgo is a mutable earth sign and feels best when it is able to serve in some way. Virgos are ruled by ‘discretion’ and have the keen ability to see how anything and everything can be improved. We will dive into this awareness within the self and its shadow, where are we overly critical of ourselves and others? How can we begin to engage in life with the desire to what to improve alongside the radical acceptance of the way things are?
7th House
In this week/month we will open ourselves to the graceful energy of Libra. Libras are the cardinal air sign of the zodiac and are guided by harmony and justice. We will dig into this energy and examine where in our own lives we may have sacrificed our own truth in the name of creating ‘harmony’. Equally, we will look at how we are in relationships, what our style of partnership is like and how we can become guided by our own deepest truth to become the best friends and partners.
8th House
In this week/month we dive into the powerful fixed water sign of Scorpio and its ruling planet Pluto. This sign and planet carry massive intuitive power, as well as the power of total and complete destruction/creation. If we are not honoring our Scorpionic/Plutonic power we can be stuck in obsessive, jealous, and envious energies-all shadow elements of a power and soul unable to express its truth. In this week/month we will open ourselves to the highest realms of Scorpio, the power to release what no longer serves.
9th house
In this week/month we will expand ourselves to the powerful energies of Sagittarius, the philosopher, sage, and wise person. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, and expansion. We will begin to examine where in our own lives we have been holding ourselves back from expanding and why, as well as getting really honest about what our truest desires are so that we can begin to open our souls to that truth. Power, change, and evolution are at the forefront here as we move into a new era of opening and trust in the Divine.
10th house
In this week/month we will work with the energies of the mountain goat, Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the workhorse of the zodiac. She is the cardinal Earth sign, with great power. Capricorn rules control, discipline, and structure. It is the father archetype of the zodiac. We will dig into this energy for ourselves and see where and how we may need to employ more or less discipline in our lives.
11th House
In this week we will open up to the liberated energies of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, stubborn in its own rebellion. It marches by the beat of its own drum and rules eccentricity, freedom, originality, and solitude. In this week/month we will dive into our own Aquarius energy; are we opening up to our own unique vision? Do we give ourselves the freedom we deserve? Are we attuned to our own cosmic rhythm that only we can hear?
12th house
In this week/month we will merge with the psychic waters of Pisces, the mutable water sign of the zodiac and the final sign of the zodiac. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the great dissolver. More than any other sign, Pisces can feel the depth and interconnectedness of all things. The flip side of that is that they can lose themselves in whatever it is they are doing/being. We will examine our own Piscean energy, where we lose ourselves involuntarily and begin to re-own and recalibrate our own personal identity and boundary, using this psychic power for the highest good of all, including ourselves.
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