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So what is our intuition? And why the hell has it been so invisible for so long? Our intuition is nature, naturing through us. It is rooted in our instinct, that which animals hold deep within them that warns them of danger, guides them to food, and urges them to mate. Because animals don't have as strongly developed rationality as humans, they are tuned into this force that guides them, as part of them. They are God, the Universe, and Love incarnate. They are an extension of this force, as are we. We have simply forgotten our connection. Our instincts show themselves when we unconsciously look across the room to find someone staring at us. I'm sure you have had this moment in your life as everyone has, that awkward moment when you yourself may have been unconsciously staring at someone you have no ‘reason’ to and they turn to look you straight in the eyes, the both of you wondering for a moment what the hell that was all about.
It's up to us if we will begin to heed the call of its guidance and rhythm, and begin to honor and respect it as we begin to honor and respect ourselves. Because really, unless we unearth these hidden powers that lay atrophied inside of ourselves, we will never understand what wholeness really means. Opening to our intuition; the part of ourselves that feels and knows without knowing how it knows is the beginning of a great turning on this planet. We are at an edge right now, and this natural order is pushing us all into our own void, the part of ourselves that has been missing for so long and that we long to merge back with. A deep part of ourselves holds this mystery within, and that mystery can never be understood, only felt. What a sweet relief to lay inside of that mystery. To allow ourselves to imagine, dream, feel, and merge with this incredible force within us and without us is what is being called of all of us at this time in history. There are wrongs that are being righted, and the deepest wrongs are the most profoundly personal. To negate our own inner nature, is to negate nature herself. It is time we merge, commune, and begin to shed light on the parts of ourselves we were told to hide and ignore- our emotions. The gate has been opened and the door is unlocked- it is up to us to walk through.
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